Thursday, March 1, 2012

South Africa

John Buss had to take a last minute trip to South Africa in January and I went along for the ride. It was a short trip. It took a long time to get there. All told we were there from Saturday morning until Tuesday afternoon, and JB had to work Monday and Tuesday. But we took full advantage while we were there and are so grateful we had the opportunity to see what we did!

On Saturday we took a tram to the top of Table Mountain to watch the sunset. You could walk all over to get nearly 360 degree views of Capetown. And they served beer! We were up in the clouds so a lot of the photos are hazy.



Enjoying the view


On Sunday we walked the beautiful hotel grounds

The grounds were beautiful



One of my fave photos from the trip

Table Mountain from the Hotel


We had lunch, walked around, drank beer and shopped at the V&A Waterfront

My calamari was deelish
Squid!  Mine was deelish.

Believe in a Better World

Sunday beers\

On Monday JB went to work and I hired a driver to take me on a tour. We drove down the coast on the Indian Ocean side of the cape, hit the southernmost point, and then drove North up the coast on the Atlantic Ocean side. It was one of the most beautiful drives of my life. The views were stunning.

One of our first stops was Boulder Beach so I could see the penguins that hang out there!



Cape Point - Southernmost point of Africa
Thanks to my driver for snapping this snazzy photo

Lighthouse at the top
Souternmost Tip of Africa

Where the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean meet
Where the Atlantic & Indian Oceans meet

The path back down
I took a tram to the top and decided to walk back down.

Views from Chapmans Peak Drive
Looking back on the curve we just came around
View back at the curve we just came around.

You can see the road winding around.


Passing through an African village where all the houses are made of tin sheets

On Tuesday we had to say goodbye - one last view from the hotel


You can see the rest of the photos from the trip here, and a few photos from our layover in Frankfurt here.

Celebrating Our First Year

I know, I know. It's March. 2012. We celebrated our first anniversary waaaaaaaay back in October. And it was perfect! We had unbelievable weather. Sunny and 70! We drove out to the finger lakes, had breakfast at Belhurst Castle, and then took ourselves on a little wine tour. At the first winery I looked up and saw this hanging there. Aw. Love.





Sunday, December 11, 2011

Where have the past few months gone?

I can't believe how long it has been since I last blogged! The last few months have been busy, busy, busy with our move back home to Syracuse and getting Lisa Rossi Photography (yay!) off the ground. We are finally settling in and getting into a routine. It is AWESOME to be back. The Friday before we moved some friends swung by a happy hour to hang out one last time. I was so happy to spend the evening with such great friends that I miss dearly. We only snapped a couple of pics but it was great to look at them today - they put a huge smile on my face. Miss these girls!

I'll Miss Your Face

Move Weekend-1

Move Weekend-5

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our weekend at home

We had a fun-filled packed-full weekend at home while we were there for Emily's graduation party.

Stella photo shoot
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Hanging out in the backyard, catching some beautiful light
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Honeybun taking a breather after all of the playing
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SnoTop run (Twinkle Kote!)
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The fam gathering at the party
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And a friendly little game of beach volleyball

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Graduation, Emily

We are heading home this weekend to celebrate Emily's high school graduation! Next year she'll be attending Syracuse University. Congratulations, Emiwee! We are so excited for what is yet to come for you.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Support Local Farmers: Asparagus & Lettuce

Over the weekend we grilled up on the roof. It was hot as heck out, but we were craving burgers. Grilled asparagus and onions seemed to round out the meal.
and then on the grill
You want one, don't you?
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Finished plate with a little lettuce on the burger
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Another yummy dinner

Support Local Farmers: Asparagus & Spinach

We were having salmon for dinner. What goes better with salmon than asparagus & spinach?

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Sauteed spinach and garlic
And broiled asparagus. Deelish!
So what goes better with salmon than asparagus & spinach? Bubbly! We cracked a bottle of La Reve that night to try out my new birthday gift - champagne flutes.