Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Flowerless Wedding

The wedding industry seems to push in bouquets, flowers for the guys, flowers for centerpieces, flowers to decorate the ceremony, flowers, flowers! But I have never been a big fan of flowers. My goal is to have a flowerless wedding - and I think it'll happen! We've already decided on non-floral centerpieces. A few weeks ago I came across an adorable idea - a super cute pinwheel - for something for Kay to carry down the aisle. But I was struggling with what I would carry...until last night! How fabulous is this brooch bouquet from Fantasy Floral Designs?!

This morning my mom and I toured southern VA hitting up antique shops looking for vintage brooches. What an adventure. We had so much fun going through all of the jewels and got a great start on fun brooches I will be able to use. Can't wait to start creating my very own brooch bouquet that will last long past our wedding day.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

C-A-P-S Caps Caps Caps!

A couple of weekends ago we took advantage of my company's season tickets to the Washington Capitals. The seats are awesome and so close to the action. Rizzo and Billy joined us for a night out of fun. Its not easy to take sports photos. Especially of a professional athletes zooming around. And especially after you've had a few too many beers. But here are a few of the action we managed to capture.
Pizza after the game
Girly drinks (why???) after the game
(P.S. The Caps lost. Boo.)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cab on Fire

John has a window office. He's surrounded by floor to ceiling windows because he works from home - in my craft room. I refuse to call it anything but my craft room. But he definitely wins - he is at his desk doing his thing from 7 - 5 every day. I should definitely refer to it as his office. I'm just jealous. Jealous that he works from home. And jealous that he is surrounded by windows.

Last week he looked up and saw this on the street below.
Firefighters arrived.
Pretty exciting day at the office.