Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jack & Jill Shower

Despite the threats from the volcano, Denise and Michael made it safely across the pond from Ireland. To celebrate Baby Banks (due in September), Denise's sister threw a Jack & Jill shower this past Saturday. It was a great day spending time with everyone - just relaxing, eating, and chatting. I think this was the first time most of the guys had ever been to a baby shower. They were great sports!
They received some adorable 'Cuse gear.
And of course, a few bibs embroidered by Dena.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Miss Us???

A few weeks ago I asked John if he wanted to write a blog entry. A few days later he told me he had finished writing it, but it just needed a few last adjustments. He's definitely a wordsmith, a trait I certainly do not have. In the meantime, my stepfather has had a successful surgery to remove cancer (yay!), a volcano erupted in Iceland keeping John Buss grounded in London for an extra week (boo!), and we have had plenty of visitors to keep us entertained (yay!). Posts coming over the next few days with lots of pictures to get you caught up. And who knows, if we're lucky maybe we'll see a blog entry by John.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Things that made this day a good day:
-Working from home. NO PANTS REQUIRED.
-Homemade egg salad on white bread.
-Lunchtime bike ride with my birdie.

Things that made this a not so good day:
-Eggs stinkin' up the entire apartment.
-John Buss smashing his bike handle into his face.

We're looking forward to the weekend over here. The insane April heat (90 plus degrees) will subside and we're hoping to get in some more bike rides!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dooce Does DC

I have been reading Heather B. Armstrong's blog for several years now. She's a mommyblogger. No, I'm not a mommy. She also writes a lot about her dogs. No, I don't like dogs. But I still love her blog. She's an excellent writer - a great story teller. She tells it like it is with her own sense of style and sarcasm. Her stories about every day life are relatable...and make you feel like maybe you're not the only one stumbling through this life trying to figure it all out. She speaks candidly about both the difficulties and pleasures of being pregnant, giving birth, and raising her two beautiful girls. Her book is so telling that both my mom and John's mom had to ensure me that being pregnant and delivering a baby isn't that bad.
We were lucky enough to meet Heather last night. John Buss found her paralyzed in the lobby of Old Ebbitt Grill - surrounded by tourists and searching for the nearest bar. John Buss to the rescue! We spent several hours chatting with her at the back bar - hearing her stories, talking business and politics with the crowd that gathered to see her, and of course enjoying a few tasty beverages. Towards the end of the night we decided Heather couldn't come to DC and not make a stop at Ben's Chili Bowl. Off we went to indulge in some late night, delicious, heartburn. We really enjoyed meeting her, and by the looks of it we think she enjoyed the night as well.

Not happy about returning to snow in Utah.
Cheesy fingers Thanks Heather!