Monday, June 21, 2010

Florida Getaway

Sorry again for the delay - I was having technical issues getting these pics off my camera. Anyway - we spent the first long weekend in June down in Orlando! We flew in on Friday and snuck away to a very nice dinner with Dena and Heath. The food was delicious, the company even better. Y'all know how much I love food - I can't resist sharing parts of our meal.
We started off with a cheese plate
Fresh crab
Heath had no main course...
...Dena had it all!
Loaded mashers
Peanut butter souffle
The next day we all headed over to the timeshare property to spend the day at the pool. It was fun and relaxing, and I think the kids enjoyed themselves!
Mom, Dominic, and Brittany arrived by evening, and the Powell's had to head home. The rest of the weekend was a great time...

John Buss and Brittany perfected the Dirty Dancing lift...
...we enjoyed lots of fun nights out...

BFFs...and John Buss conquered a 50 oz steak
The trip was too short, but a blast nonetheless.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trip to Cuse

We made a trip home to the Cuse Memorial Day weekend, and we had SUCH a great time. As always were running from one event to the next - there are always just so many people to see and visit with in such a small period of time. Here's a quick recap in pics:
We were able to take care of a bunch of wedding errands
Meet sweet baby Ava!!!
Hang out at Trappers II, my new favorite bar
Catch Ally & Emmy's lax game
Kan Jam...
...and champagne at a family cookout
And fun in the sun at Grandma Buss's
Amanda fishing
Dave water skiing
Lots of steamed and grilled clams
The debut of an animal on our blog! One of Aunt Sue's poochies
Fishing at dusk

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sneak Peek

We had our tasting for the wedding while we were home over the weekend. It was Here's a little peek at some of the hors d'oeuvres that we are considering for cocktail hour.

Stacation in Old Town

A couple of weekends ago we enjoyed a nice little "stacation" in Old Town Alexandria. John was staying there for a work conference, so we decided to make the most of it and extend the stay a night longer. My hour long commute to work on Thursday morning was a nice reminder of how lucky I am to be able to walk to work in 9 minutes each day. It also convinced me to "work from home" (the hotel room) on Friday. After John finished up we took advantage of the free wine tasting in the lobby, and then hit the town for the evening. We decided to take the water taxi across the Potomac to check out National Harbor - an up and coming spot across the river in Maryland. The ferry took longer than expected, but it was a beautiful night and a very pretty ride.
Arriving at National Harbor
Creepy sculpture on the river bank - see the man and all of his limbs coming out of the sand?
There are a handful of restaurants to choose from, but we ended up at Ketchup. We tried all 7 varieties - delicious.
The ferries don't run very often, and one was pulling up as we were leaving the restaurant so we hurried to catch it.
We were hoping to grab some delicious ice cream from one of the local shops when we got back to Old Town, but the lines were ridiculous. We settled on Snickers ice cream bars and a bottle of wine from CVS. Perfect end to a great lil getaway. Thankyouverymuch.