Sorry again for the delay - I was having technical issues getting these pics off my camera. Anyway - we spent the first long weekend in June down in Orlando! We flew in on Friday and snuck away to a very nice dinner with Dena and Heath. The food was delicious, the company even better. Y'all know how much I love food - I can't resist sharing parts of our meal.
We started off with a cheese plate
Fresh crab
Heath had no main course...
...Dena had it all!
Loaded mashers

Peanut butter souffle

The next day we all headed over to the timeshare property to spend the day at the pool. It was fun and relaxing, and I think the kids enjoyed themselves!

Mom, Dominic, and Brittany arrived by evening, and the Powell's had to head home. The rest of the weekend was a great time...
John Buss and Brittany perfected the Dirty Dancing lift...
...we enjoyed lots of fun nights out...

The trip was too short, but a blast nonetheless.