We missed Snowmageddon Round 1 when we were home for my dad's surgery but we made it back just in time for Round 2! Round 1 brought about 2 1/2 feet of snow and slowed the city down. Round 2 brought another 2 inches and brought the city to a screeching halt. The government and all schools have been closed this entire week. On Wednesday morning, the 2nd day of Round 2, we ventured to the grocery store in the blizzard. That wind was LEGIT. It was absolutely frigid out, and so windy you couldn't see to the end of the block. We were only outside for about 10 minutes, but I had windburn on my cheeks when I went to bed.

The store was completely out of meat and cheese...
but we got everything we needed for John to make delicious reubens.
This morning I walked to the office to get some work done and snapped a few shots around the neighborhood. You can see there is a LOT of clean up left to be done. The majority of the roads still have not been plowed, and they are beginning to dump piles of snow on the side of the street because there is just no where else for them to put it.