Monday, November 29, 2010


Earlier this month we had friends over to friendship? love? happiness? All of the above! We wanted to bring everyone together to raise a glass and say Cheers! John Buss put together a great menu and spent over 24 hours preparing. I goofed around in my craftroom to help decorate. Pics below, but no evidence that we actually had people over. I set my camera down when the first guests arrived and didn't pick it back up the entire night! I still can't believe it, but you'll have to take my word for it that the apartment was bustling with joy.

Meatball slidders coming together.
He made the sauce
and the rolls too.
My appetizer contribution!
Taste-testing the buckeyes
Preparing the bar


It was really great to see everyone and spend a relaxing evening together.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Soft Pretzel Sunday

A few weekends ago John Buss had a hankerin' for soft pretzels and dug up this recipe by Food Network's Alton Brown. They are DELICIOUS. And perfect for Sunday football days. He has made them the last few Sundays and they were a huge hit when we had people over a couple of weekends ago. They are really easy to make and an awesome snack food.
The first batch he made in the shape of old fashioned pretzels, but since then he has just done pretzels sticks - easier for dipping.
A quick boil.
Brushed with butter and salt.
Served golden brown with mustard.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Swagbucks + Groupon + Coupons = Love

If you aren't already using Swagbucks you need to be! I first posted about the online search tool back when I got my wedding shoes for free using Amazon giftcards I earned by accumulating Swagbucks. I am all about discounts and this is such a simple way to earn money towards purchases. I have been doing a lot of Christmas shopping there and the $5 giftcards are a huge help!

This week Swagbucks just launched two new ways to earn - Daily Deals and Coupons.
Have you ever purchased a Groupon? It is one of several Daily Deal sites where you can score great deals on restaurants, shopping, etc. If you click through the Swagbucks Daily Deals section to make your purchase at one of these sites you will also be rewarded Swagbucks! I just purchased the American Apparel Groupon ($25 for a $50 purchase) and was instantly awarded 280 Swagbucks. I love American Apparel Leggings, but they are $26. With the Groupon I'll be able to get two for the price of one. Sweet.
The Coupon section of Swagbucks allows you to print grocery and other assorted coupons. I used one tonight on fish sticks! Every coupon that you print and use will earn you 10 Swagbucks. Everyone knows how much I love coupons, so to be further rewarded for using them is awesome!

So what are you waiting for? Head to Swagbucks and sign up! You can read through my original post to see how I maximize my earnings. I promise you'll be able to put those $5 Amazon giftcards to good use!

Holiday Cards

For the past few years I have spent hours in the craft room making our holiday cards. This year we are going to do things a little differently. We are going to utilize one of our wedding pictures and have our cards printed through Shutterfly! They are offering a great promotion for bloggers right now where you can earn 50 FREE holiday cards. If you have a blog click here to learn more. I am so excited about this deal! Shutterfly has an awesome collection of card designs to choose from. And if you have kiddos they have a ton of fun designs!
Here are a few of my favorites:
We love receiving photo holiday cards in the mail. We are looking forward to filling up the front of our fridge with pics! Be on the lookout for ours to see which wedding picture and Shutterfly design we decide on.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My vintage brooch bouquet

lisa + john-24

I love everything about this bouquet. I love the time my mom and I spent together shopping for brooches. I love that my mom and my sister spent more time together shopping for brooches. I love that John Buss turned the brooches into the bouquet. I love how he perfected it. I love that I have a brooch from each of my grandmothers. I love that when I walked down the aisle I had my friend's grandmother's rosary wrapped around the stem. I love how it is a forever keepsake to remind me of our wedding day. Love love love.
lisa + john-29
To see more pics click here.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Eat Wonky!

Food trucks seem to be all the rage in most major cities recently - including DC - and I am taking full advantage! In addition to the flashy commercialized food trucks that use social media to promote themselves and their locations, I am lucky (???) enough to work in an area of the city that is currently under heavy construction. That means that there are plenty of old school food trucks waiting around for the construction workers to break. Well, construction workers and me. I love that you can get a huge portion of a home cooked meal for next to nothing. It sure beats a $9 sandwich from a chain shop.
I follow all of the new trucks on Twitter - they tweet out their locations so you can find them throughout the city. Last week John Buss and I were struggling with dinner plans and it just so happened that the Eat Wonky truck was a couple of blocks from our place.
The menus are typically short and sweet - you can imagine there isn't much room to work in those trucks.
I walked away with a grilled cheese, wonky fries, a whoopie pie, and the ultimate wonky dog: hot dog topped with french fries, poutine, and squeaky cheese.
Everything was delicious!