The final installment! After the excursion, the rest of our time in Bora Bora was very low key.
Explored the resort
Enjoyed the sunsets...
...and happy hour...
...and fish from the lagoon
Learned there is no 5 second rule when you're eating on the beach
Played enough dominoes to last me a lifetime
Had a delicious lunch on the mainland (raw tuna trio)
Snapped a pic of these pretty flowers against these ugly cinderblocks.
We walked through town
Can't keep me from a food truck!
Cheapest meal. Biggest portion ever.
Kept our "mini-fridge" stocked with Hinano. (Thanks Angela!)
Climbed to the top of the hill to watch a beautiful sunset our last night there.
One last goodbye to the beautiful water before heading to the airport.
Most of all we enjoyed every single second just being together.
If you want to see all of the pictures, click here.